verse 11 Another beast: This second beast with two horns, may be understood of the heathenish priests and magicians; the principal promoters both of idolatry and persecution. The Apostate Vatican and its Apostate Assisi gatherings are first and foremost and damned by God. All the faithful are commanded by God to come out of her and have NOTHING TO DO with them. The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation and The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 18.: "Her Sins and Punishment
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:45!; 2 Cor.: 6:17!; Eph.: 5:7!; 1 Tim.: 5:22
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven: and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:9
6 Render to her as she also hath rendered to you: and double unto her double, according to her works. In the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 50:29!; 2 Thess.: 1:6
7 As much as she hath glorified herself and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her. Because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen and am no widow: and sorrow I shall not see. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 47:8
8 Therefore, shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burnt with the fire: because God is strong, who shall judge her."
16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. 17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.
The Coming of the Antichrist resulting in The Antichrist ruling for a short while - at the time known to God.
Meanwhile the connivings of the NWO and the military industrial complex continue.
Pashtun Resist: MatrixLeaks: CIA, US Military Operating Inside Mexico’s “Drug War”
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

by Sherman H. Skolnick, moderator/producer of Chicago public access Cable TV Show "Broadsides" since 1991, and chairman/founder since 1963, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts...
A trip-wire is a concealed trigger that when crossed sets in motion some disaster. Linda Tripp was indicted on Maryland state charges of wire-tapping. Here is the cast of characters:
LINDA TRIPP, former covert operator for super-secret Delta Forces, one of the few women in such a group. She had been a secretary in the Clinton White House in or near the office of deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., one of the last persons [other than the assassins] to see him alive. She knows plenty. Later, she was assigned to the Pentagon and was with Monica Lewinsky assigned to the Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth Bacon. Linda wire-tapped Monica both to protect herself and upon further orders of so-called Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr.Linda supplied information to intelligence agency assets within the monopoly press, such as reportedly Michael Isikoff of Newsweek Magazine.
MONICA LEWINSKY, reportedly an espionage double-agent. Acting for the apparent deputy station chief for North America, of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, RAHM EMANUEL. She at the same time was assigned later by Clinton to a key position in the Pentagon, to the staff of the Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon. Her job: to find out by performing sexual numbers on Pentagon officials, who among the top U.S. Military were vowing to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton on charges, under the Military Code, of treason. Her parents reportedly had been "sleeper agents" planted by the Mossad. Clinton gave Monica topmost security clearance at the Pentagon without requiring her to go through the usual screening process. She traveled with William Cohen, Secretary of Defense, and took notes of his meetings although not fully competent as a secretary.
RAHM EMANUEL, top reputed black-mailer,extortionist, and arm-twister for the Clinton White House. About 1991 moved from the Chicago-area, his residence to Arkansas to help conduct Clinton's presidential campaign. Raised funds reportedly by knowing secret workings of major covert operations of the American CIA. Such as, HOUSEHOLD INTERNATIONAL and HOUSEHOLD BANK, headquartered in Chicago, successor to CIA's proprietary dope and assassination funding operation, NUGAN HAND BANK. General counsel of Nugan Hand as well as Household was former Director of Central Intelligence William Colby [murdered because he knew too much about Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad, and Clinton]. Rahm Emanuel latched onto a 50 million dollar portion of federal funds parked with Household to cover the pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, who claimed various Chicago-area banks were implicated, with top corrupt IRS officials, in stealing millions of dollars of properties and monies belonging to Andreuccetti. Rahm Emanuel grabbed a portion of the parked funds to jump-start Clinton's 1992 campaign. Other portions of the funds were secretly transferred from Chicago to Little Rock to try to cover up an embezzlement of Madison Guaranty S & L for which Bill and Hillary Clinton were subject to being prosecuted on federal bank misappropriation criminal charges. Emanuel is reportedly a double-dealer, purporting to act for the Mossad at the same time acting against. He is reportedly chief arranger of Red Chinese and other illicit funds massively flowing through the Chicago markets, disguised as soybean trading, foreign currency dealings, and such, on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Currently Rohm plays a key role with Wasserstein & Perella, New York-based alleged investment firm apparently fronting for various Red Chinese interests in U.S.
VINCENT W. FOSTER, Jr.,prior to his short term in the Clinton White House, was long-time covert fund handler for Systematics, Arkansas-based reputed CIA/NSA proprietary in the bank computer software services field. Foster was expert on money laundering for espionage agencies as well as their dirty tricks. Foster was the unnamed middle man in the Jonathan Pollard spy case of 1986. Vice President Bush and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger secretly worked deal with Israel, using Foster, to steal a room full of records on nuclear missile tracking. This was pay-off for Israel staying mum on their knowledge of Bush's treason in 1980, in arranging to delay the release of 52 U.S. hostages held by Iran, to aid the Reagan/Bush ticket win over Jimmy Carter's bid for re-election as President. The delay caused Carter to seem to be a wimp. Hostage release was done at the moment in January, 1981, when Reagan and Bush were inaugurated. Pollard was the lower level naval intelligence analyst, who removed the records, upon secret orders through Foster, and Pollard became the "patsy" sentenced to life in prison, served in the basement of a maximum security jail, in the dark 23 hours of the day. Foster's testimony could have sent George Herbert Walker Bush and Weinberger, later chairman emeritus of Forbes Magazine, to prison for treason.
Foster was murdered in July, 1993, near the White House by three Israeli contract assassins, not representing the State of Israel. The proof of Foster's body being moved from near the White House to Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, is contained in satellite images of the super-secret National Reconnaissance Office. NRO official in charge of the imaging, Daniel Potter, was murdered in March, 1998, an unsolved crime. Fort Marcy Park is near the CIA headquarters, under 24 hour satellite surveillance of every square inch nearby. Clinton knows he benefits from the Independent Counsel Starr's fraudulent "suicide" verdict of the death of Foster. Linda Tripp reportedly has been in a position to know about much of this.
KENNETH W. STARR, former federal judge, and since 1994, Independent Counsel investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton. Starr is part of cover up because he is subject to blackmail. Starr has been the reported UNREGISTERED FOREIGN LOBBYIST for the Red Chinese government, an offense for which Clinton's Justice Department could send Starr to prison at any time. Further, Starr's PRIVATE LAW CLIENT, Wang Jun, is the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. Wang Jun has met with Clinton in or near the White House repeatedly. Clinton has committed treason as known to several dozen U.S. Admirals and Generals who have vowed to arrest him under the Military Code but several of these flag officers have been assassinated.[I am about the only journalist writing exclusive stories about that.] Clinton through Wang Jun has reportedly given over to the Red Chinese, U.S. industrial, financial, and MILITARY secrets, in violation of various federal criminal statutes. As part of a blackmail scheme directed against Israel, Starr ORDERED Linda Tripp to continue taping phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, as mentioned Monica being a double-agent, for Israel.
Starr has apparent knowledge, and possible participation with, his private law client WANG JUN. In that, Wang Jun heads the Red Chinese government and military enterprise, Poly Technologies, making and shipping AK-47 submachine guns. Some secretly sent to the U.S. headed for inner-city narco-terrorist street gangs. Did Starr aid Wang Jun promote shoot-em-ups with the American big city police?
MARY CAITRIN MAHONEY, White House intern, and as a lesbian was well aware of goings on inside the Clinton White House,including Hillary's apparent love affair with another White House woman, who was able to reportedly get top secrets from Hillary. Mahoney was murdered in a Starbucks Coffee Shop, right in the District of Columbia, July, 1997, and covered up by the FBI. It was a intelligence agency contract "hit" and the FBI is covering it up by blaming a "lone assassin", an FBI specialty. Newsweek reporter and reputed foreign intelligence agency asset, MICHAEL ISIKOFF, was working on getting details which led up to the murder of Ms Mahoney. If there was a proper grand jury inquiry into the Mary Mahoney murder, would Isikoff be a target? Was it just accidental that he reportedly caused her to be murdered? Isikoff's employer, Newsweek, is a British-owned firm tight with foreign intelligence agencies and dirty tricks, including disinformation. Isikoff's book, supposedly a best-seller, is a whitewash.Ms Mahoney reportedly knew about the Clinton-Wang Jun treason.
In a reported conversation between MONICA LEWINSKY and LINDA TRIPP, discussed was they did not want to end up like Mary Mahoney, a sort of mutual understanding that people in the White House who know too much sometimes get murdered.
If the Linda Tripp wire-tapping criminal prosecution proceeds toward trial, some of the foregoing details might even get into the state court records. The various characters mentioned have a variety of things to lose. Was the vehicle accident of Monica Lewinsky a few days after the release of the indictment against Linda Tripp, merely an "accident"? And why was Ms Lewinsky taken by ambulance apparently to a military hospital? Just another story suppressed by the liars and whores of the press, those with the fifty dollar hairdos and the nickel heads....
Friday, April 20, 2012
The 'Special Collective Service' Is The US Spy Agency Nobody Has Ever Heard Of.... LOL

D.B. Grady,
And while FISA doesn't affect spy activities overseas, the attention it generates will refocus scrutiny on the National Security Agency and its growing and astonishing capabilities.
After weathering criticism and high-profile legal challenges in 2005 for its warrantless wiretapping program, we have a decent idea of the sophisticated and controversial methods the NSA employs to penetrate global telecommunications networks.
Still in the shadows, however, is a secretive joint program with the Central Intelligence Agency codenamed F6, but better known as the Special Collection Service.
The Special Collection Service is America's master of covert eavesdropping, placing super-high-tech bugs in unbelievably hard-to-reach places, and using cutting-edge technology to crack supposedly impenetrable encryption.
John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists put it best: "When you think of NSA, you think satellites. When you think CIA, you think James Bond and microfilm. But you don't really think of an agency whose sole purpose is to get up real close and use the best technology there is to listen and transmit. That's SCS."
The Special Collection Service is America's master of covert eavesdropping, placing super-high-tech bugs in unbelievably hard-to-reach places.
Officially, the Special Collection Service doesn't exist, and isn't headquartered in a guarded complex on a densely forested 300-acre lot outside of Beltsville, Md. But according to journalist James Bamford, the organization was founded in 1978 to bridge the NSA's ability to infiltrate foreign networks and the CIA's ability to penetrate foreign countries. (Its leadership alternates between the director of the NSA and the director of the CIA.) At the Beltsville facility, special tactics for tradecraft are devised, and a kind of mad scientist's laboratory develops new technologies for use in the field.
The Special Collection Service is everywhere. In 1999, Special Collection Elements infiltrated Afghanistan to monitor al Qaeda training camps near Khost. That same year, they tapped Pakistan's communications grid to listen for traffic on its nuclear arsenal. After the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, General Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, sent Special Collection Elements to supplement the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command in Balad. (The director personally spoke with General Stanley McChrystal, then-commander of JSOC, by secure video teleconference at least once a week.)
But long before al Qaeda pinged U.S. radars, the Special Collection Service was invading communications networks of friend and foe alike, performing what Bob Woodward described as "espionage miracles, delivering verbatim transcripts from high-level foreign-government meetings in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia." As far back as the 1980s, Special Collections Elements were using a technique whereby invisible lasers are pointed at windows from safe houses hundreds of feet away. Conversations are then deciphered and recorded by measuring only the vibrations in the glass of the target windowpane.
How exactly do these missions go down? Based on what we know, it looks something like this: Special Collection Elements made up of two to five people rotate into U.S. embassies around the world, working undercover as Foreign Service officers or members of the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service. When State Department cover is impossible, the agents enter countries under the guise of businesspeople. Some U.S. embassies are known to house dedicated facilities for Special Collection Elements to use as bases of operations. In other situations, and when circumstances dictate, they work surreptitiously, assembling elaborate listening devices from discrete, seemingly everyday components. (Bamford reports one item previously used: An umbrella that expands into a parabolic antenna.)
Once deployed, Special Collection Elements put technology developed in Beltsville into practice. One such known system is ORATORY, first used extensively during the Gulf War, and likely still operational in some variation. After locating mission objectives, Special Collection Elements place antennas in nondescript locations andORATORYgoes "up" on the target. The device is given key words to listen for, and when those topics come up by phone or in person, the system captures the conversations for analysis.
The Special Collection Service also completes so-called "black bag jobs." Intercepts are often encrypted, and it takes time to decipher, translate, and identify useful information. So sometimes, it's easier to simply break into a building and install a hidden microphone, whereupon intelligence can be gathered and voices recorded before encryption ever takes place. Sensitive listening devices can be dropped into computer keyboards, recording the unique clicks of each key for use in reconstructing everything typed. When a lock pick is too risky, however, locals are sometimes bribed to do the dirty work. Agents might be tasked with something as small as planting a bug, or as large as compromising a nation's entire information infrastructure.
The utility of the Special Collection Service is self-evident. While the raw computing power found at National Security Agency headquarters seems limitless, signals intelligence has always been a cat-and-mouse game. Every time the United States finds a way into foreign networks, or deciphers some elaborate encryption, foreign powers find a way to shut us out again. It's been that way since the NSA's precursor, the Armed Forces Security Agency, operated out of the Arlington Hall Junior College for Women. Having someone on the ground, and eyes (and ears) on a target effectively bypasses most technological shielding.
In the coming months, as FISA is reconsidered and pointed questions are rightfully asked of the National Security Agency — about what its quantum computers can and cannot do, and what its massive data centers do and do not store — it's worth remembering that signals intelligence is not collected entirely from a Panopticon in Maryland. Don't forget the daring, intimate work of the Special Collection Service, and the men and women secretly in the field around the world.
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle takes flight on a targeted mission from Shamsi Airfield, an airstrip subleased to the United States by the UAE from inside the southwest region of Pakistan.
The truth of the matter is the “President of Peace” has lead our nation into war once again, and with a conflict involving a nuclear power, the public opinion was subverted as clandestine engagement commenced.
This simply reinforces the continuity of world domination between Democrats and Republicans.
In other words, the power of the United States Presidency has now been extended to different provinces of Pakistan. He may now make decisions for not only the US, but also for the nation state of Pakistan.
To put it simple, Pakistan has become a serious road block for the modern day King.
The Nobel Peace Prize winning Barack H. Obama, “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples“, has destroyed the homes of innocent civilians, targeted schools, funerals, marriage ceremonies, homes of worship and countless other places of simple life.
His ““Whac-A-Mole” approach to counterterrorism will give rise to new and more sinister techniques to scourge and eradicate what he so carelessly calls the enemy.
“We don’t have any contracts to do that work for us. We don’t contract that kind of work out, period.”
“People think that the US has troops in Pakistan, well, we don’t.”

“It’s Blackwater running the program for both CIA and JSOC.”
The notion that Blackwater is responsible for most of these suicide bombings occurring across the country resonates among reports documented by journalists in the state.
“The notorious US security firm Blackwater has reportedly established a presence in the restive tribal belt on the Afghan borders to help the FBI and CIA track down Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants allegedly hiding there and protect USAID projects.”
“All these killings by the infamous Blackwater are aimed at maligning the Taliban,” and that “The TTP does not believe in killing of innocent citizens, and we will hold those who are doing this accountable.”
“Any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China,” a response coming from Beijing after the U.S. violates Pakistan’s national sovereignty while “capturing” the phantom Osamah Bin Laden.
“The United States has a detailed plan for infiltrating Pakistan and securing its mobile arsenal of nuclear warheads if it appears the country is about to fall under the control of the Taliban, Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists.”
It has been his faith in God that has given him the peace of mind to remain steadfast and survive this life and invest in the hereafter.Many in the war torn region don’t have the patience, faith, or will as Abdullah did to sit after their families were taken from them for no reason.Many join Al-Qaeda and variant organizations to take revenge form those that put their life in total despair.
Your life was taken by the very same drone and missile that took your families.
The majority of these people, the common foot soldier, don’t defend a nation or religion they fight for revenge.
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